Saturday, June 5, 2021

Trees and carpet

 We worked outside as it was a rare sunny day!  We've had rain for weeks now!  It was nice to be outside for a change!

It was a good day to trim my favorite tree.

Looking better, but still a little more to trim another day.

This is a huge pile of branches that were trimmed off!

Inside, the cabin is coming along nicely!  Next up is flooring!

We decided to put carpet in the living room and bedroom areas.  The Lowes estimate was about $1,000 for the cheapest carpet.  After some research, we found these carpet tiles on Amazon.  The entire space was only $330.  We purchased some extra pieces so we can replaced stained squares as needed in the future.  It's not thick carpet, but for our purposes, it was perfect!  And it was very quick and easy to put down!

After we vacuum a few times, the lines shouldn't be visible.  
Now to find some vinyl flooring for the kitchen and bathroom!

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