Sunday, October 8, 2017


First up on Little Frog Ranch, we needed to get at least part of the land mowed!  Chris went out and mowed down what will be the driveway, and a pretty good section as well. We wanted to mow everything down at least once, and then decide which areas will be pasture for future animals, where the fruit trees will go, and clear the home site.  11.4 acres is too much to mow in one day, but Chris made a pretty good dent!  We know there are snakes on the property, but Chris was able to get a good look at one after it got tangled up in the mower.  (yuck!)  At least there's one less snake on the property now!

Instead of building a storage shed to hold the mower and various equipment, we decided to get a waterproof shipping container.  We added 2 windows, a regular door on the side, and 2 solar vents in the ceiling.  At some point, we will section off the container to be about 1/3 equipment storage and 2/3 cabin.  We'll need a place to stay on the property while we improve the land over the next few years.  We do not plan on building the main house for many years, so it would be great to have a place to stay during weekends and vacations.  Turning a section of the storage container into an insulated cabin with electricity and water will be a fun adventure.

The storage container is being delivered.  Notice the windmills in the background.  Those are across the street and farther back.  We cannot hear any noise from them.  
This is the front of the storage container. The far end that is out of the picture has double doors where the equipment is.  This end will be the cabin section.  

We've been waiting on the driveway permit for a few weeks.  Because our property is technically on a highway (albeit only a two-lane road), we had to have a special permit to know where our driveway is allowed to be installed.  We know where it is supposed to go, but we need the paper from the permit office to give to the gravel company.  They will put gravel down as the driveway entrance, and then gravel the driveway back to the storage container for now.  Once the main house is built, we'll extend the driveway to the middle of the property.

  We've had a TON of rain lately, which has been great for the pond!  I'm sure the frogs are very happy now!  It's so beautiful!  

Chris and Rhonda

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